Alligators Nest, QLD

Alligators Nest is a must see stop for our family every time we travel to North Queensland.  It’s a short drive out of Tully, and, in contrast to its name, has no alligators…or crocodiles.  I grew up swimming here and it is without a doubt my favourite swimming hole in the world, where different creeks coming down from the mountains meet.  The water is crystal clear, cool and refreshing.  There is sand to play in, rocks to climb and shallow creeks to explore as well as a really deep and wide swimming hole.  There are also BBQ facilities, covered picnic tables and toilets on site.  This day it was overcast and a little bit drizzly which meant we had the place more or less to ourselves.  We had a picnic to celebrate Grampy’s birthday and then enjoyed the water together.


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