About Us


We are a family of 6, looking to live simply and leave the city lights behind.  We love learning, running wild and free and discovering new people and places.  This is where we share our lives and hearts with you, the joy we find in everyday and the hopes we have for tomorrow.

Tim (Dad)

Tim currently works full time as a Systems Administrator in Brisbane City.  On the side he has a small IT business, whiteitsolutions.com.au, which does IT consultancy for small businesses and non profit charities as well as hosting and the occasional website design.  He is also the heart and soul behind the Grase Hotspot, an open source internet management system which is in use worldwide.  He’s always happy to stop in and chat with small businesses and families to see how we can assist you.

When he’s not on the computer, Tim loves adventure, hiking, camping and being daddy to his four munchkins.  He’s also had experience doing farm work and loved it.

Sara (Mum)

Sara spends her days dabbling in all of her many interests.  She loves studying, learning and teaching, which comes in handy with educating our four children at home.  She’s also slowly making her way through a Bachelor of Science, just for fun really.  She loves capturing the everyday moments of life around her in photographs and sharing them.



Nathan is 7 years old and loves figuring out how things work.  He spends his days building things out of wood and creating machines and contraptions from LEGO.  You can find him at Nathan Learns with LEGO – and don’t forget to subscribe 😉


Eli is 5 years old and is incredibly creative, funny and lovable.  He loves superheros, collecting and creating art, and his beloved Rabby.  He has also recently realised that some animals are endangered and has become on a mission to save them.  He is the child who will spend hours watching David Attenborough documentaries, and has decided when he grows up he wants to be a doctor, artist, ninja and dad… on different days of course.


Gracelyn is 3 years old and, as the only daughter, is pretty confident that she is the most important person in the family.  Everyone is her ‘best friend in the whole wide world,’ and she loves babies and buck bucks (our pet chickens).



This child is the largest ball of mischief you’ve ever found squeezed into the tiniest little frame.  He’s 1, but thinks he’s at least 4 and should be involved in everything that his siblings are doing.  He has a special interest in scissors, sharp knives or anything that could potentially kill you and has successfully found the only word that a baby will ever need.  Up.  Seriously, think about it.  Pick up, Clean up, Hurry up, Shut up… We have yet to find a scenario it doesn’t work in.
Oh, and you’ll be glad to know, considering his love of danger, he’s just added a second word to his vocabulary. Uh Oh.
Yep, the days are long around here.